in the backyard
- from a wildflower to that weird red bug -
- from a rainbow to your kids on a slip n' slide -
- from the mr. wilson next door to a stinky pile of dog poop -
find the beauty right there at your feet. yep, even in the dog poop.

The colors on this hibiscus flower stopped me in my tracks. I could not believe that the phone camera captured all of its vibrancy. A flower needs no filter...

dew drops
My youngest and I made a garden that we let fall into disarray. But this gem managed to peek through and flourish in all of it vibrance. And those huge drops of dew delicately balanced on the leaves...

stunning skies
One of my favorite things to do is get out on the jetski, put it into neutral, and just sit with the sights and sounds. And the sky is one sight to behold.

furry friends
This golden nugget was a gift. She keeps on giving and giving and giving. Sometimes it's poop she gives. On the rare occasions when I clean it up or when I step in it, I remember - this means I have her in my life.

This guy was just hanging out next to me on the stoop - singing his song at the top of his little lungs. Melodious? Only if you decide it is - which I did!